Saturday, July 26, 2008

Away From The Pack

Hey people... whatz up?.. Its me blogging from some cybercafe opposite USM.

This is the first time i'm able to get a internet connection long enough for me to blog after a week. There are free internet service in the varsity library but there are many restrictions such as youtube, malaysiakini and onemanga, and its only free for 30 minutes. you can't do much besides research.

My life in USM so far is considered quite hectic. Its understandable because I've missed 2 weeks of classes and I need to catch up with my coursemates ASAP.... I just had my calculus quiz last friday and another test is coming up on the opening day of the Olympics. So basicly when other people take one step at a time, i probably have to take 2.

We second intakers do have an advantage though. We are basicly tougher. Yea yea, I know its hard to believe but at least we wont take things for granted anymore. When i first step into the uni, I knew if I have to add life to my years, this is the time because I realised last time i only add years to my life and not the other way round.

I always had been out of luck and never even shine once in my school life. Perhaps USM is a stepping stone for a late bloom. One of my new motto which I wanted to hold on to was to be ahead of the others. But when i stepped in, I was already 2 weeks behind!!!

How am I going to break away from the pack when I'm just at the begining of the journey? Last monday I was 14 days late... Today I'm probably 8 days late... I am catching up as you see but this ain't easy... Hopefully by next monday I'm on par with them. Whether this will remain a fantasy or reality its depends on my will....

lol... Sometimes I really wonder am I doing the right thing being here with this kind of spirits. It may just be an unreachable dream. but then I said to myself again. Its never wrong to dream an impossible dream because being able to dream it is the first step towards making the dream a reality.

Therefore, breaking away from the pack is still very possible.

okla.. i got to go now de... its gonna rain soon i guess.. haha... btw... here is a pic of my faculty.

School of Mathematical Sciences

pretty nice huh.... its kinda new compared to the rest... I try to get more pics next time... cyaz people.. and take care


Billy Toh said...

Good to be writing about uni stuff. I'm sure u can be on par with the others. Trust me, I'm way behind the rest. loL! Nevertheless wish ya all the best bro! n thx for the comment...=P

Ken Wooi said...

Enjoy! XD