Sunday, September 14, 2008

Change, We Can Believe In

For constant readers of, I am sure you know I tried real hard to keep my blog as non-political as possible. However, people usually asked me since I'm so into the political development of Malaysia, how come you don't have any comments at all? Am I just an observer? Frankly speaking, I was never an observer but I've always feared the cyber law of malaysia would put me into trouble if constantly keep on doing blogs as such.
There is a first for everything, but I dont think this post will be as radical as you think. Just the two cents of my mind.

Before we get on with the "hot" issue, I would like to measure how Malaysian I'm in the first place. I am a chinese bloke, who follows malay pop culture and eats indian food 60% of the time... Aik, it sound like I am pretty jumble up (or rojak), thatz what being Malaysian all about! If you say I am racist, I can't be coz I am a mixture of 3 races all together. But if we hate or despise some race based party, we will be labelled as racist. How can this be?... if a person dislikes a certain party, it means that he/she dislikes the administration of the party and the people in it... not because he/she hate the origin of the party's admintrators.

These few days had been quite a rollercoaster ride for Malaysian Politics. With a RPK, Teresa Kok and Tan Hoon Cheng being nabbed by ISA, it makes us ponder, are Malaysian politics as stable as it claims? If you don't know what ISA was initially used for, let me enlighten you a little... It was actually used to control the Communist during the Emergency period. Now, you be the judge whether ISA is still relevent now since its enactment at 1948.. Dude, its 60 years later and we are still using it? You may say our First Class neighbour Singapore also has the ISA but you must know one thing, they are using it to nab Jemaah Islamiah Terrorist and not some reporter from some newspaper!

I always say that Malaysia ain't a place for Malaysian chinese anymore. All of my friends agreed except for one who challenged me to think, Jess. " Do you think that this issue is a race issue or a national issue?" To ponder about it, she sounds right. We chinese ain't the only one feeling the pain. In fact, even our Malay and Indian counterparts are feeling the same. Malaysian Chinese aren't not the only one deprived from equal opportunities. The Bumis in the out-skirts arent benefiting much from the goverment and ever since the Hindraf, we know how badly deprived the indians are.

So in a nutshell, Malaysia is "non-inhabitant" anymore?!

This is a serious matter. Its impossible that a land with resources such as petroleum and palm oil can't develop good enough for 27 million people. I think what my dad says itz true sometimes, we dont look like a country that produce petrols.. lol... I think we will be dead if the oil really runs out one day. Most of the malaysian are living in a state of denial. Especially those who are ruling the country. However, most of up are waking up to see the truth. If an admin who punishes the "person who cried fire and leave the arson on the loose", we know the admin is pretty screwed up as they dont even know who is right and who is wrong.

I would like to take the US as the benchmark here... the americans had become so liberal and open, they even voted the first Black presidential canditate to run for presidency... Come on, a place like US had racial sagregation once had heal through time. How about Malaysia?.. when is our turn to truly become Malaysian. Frankly speaking, I dont like to label myself as chinese, I prefered to be labeled as a Malaysian instead because I am born here, not in China.

So will there be a change which we can believe in? I hope there is and I feel its coming, really soon...

Be Malaysian, Do the Right Thing.


Anonymous said...

think msia is like about 25 years behind US.
logically a change will happen in 25 years time? LOLOL

Ken Wooi said...

well written! =)